
14 February 2014

Les canelés de Bordeaux

* 0,5 Litre milk
* 2 eggs
* 2 egg yolks
* 3 tablespoons of vanilla (I used bourbon vanilla)
* 2 tablespoons of rum (preferably dark)
* 250g sugar
* 50 g butter
* 100 g flour
* a pinch of salt
* butter and brown sugar - for buttering and sprinkling the molds of the caneles

The easiest part - preparation of the batter:

First of all mix all the dry ingredients together - flour, sugar and salt. Add the eggs and the egg yolks and mix everything well. Heat the milk, vanilla and rum in a pan close to boiling. In a separate pan melt the butter and add to the batter, mixing till well incorporated. Once done, add the milk and once again mix well. Cover the bowl with the batter and refrigerate overnight (at least 12 hours).

Preparation for the baking:
Prior to baking the caneles, mix the batter once again. Heat the oven to 250C degrees. Butter the molds and sprinkle each one of them with a bit of brown sugar. Fill the molds with the batter, leaving a little bit of space for rising - up to 0,5 cm. 

The baking:
Bake the caneles at 250C degrees for the first 10-15 minutes (if the molds are smaller - 10 min). Then reduce to 180C degree and bake for 50-60 minutes (once again - for the smaller molds - less time).

Et voila! Let them cool for 5 minutes, take those beauties out and enjoy! Best served fresh - moist on the inside, crispy on the outside!

Bon appetit!