
01 March 2015

Omlette with chanterelles and potatoes

“This recipe is certainly silly. It says to separate the eggs, but it doesn't say how far to separate them.” Gracie Allen

Good morning, Sunshine! For the time being - at least on the plate :). And but the way, this recipe doesn't require to separate eggs, unless you're after the super healthy white omlette. My weekend breakfast choices usually include eggs in some shape and form. My favorite combination ever - eggs and mushrooms. I tend to save mushrooms in my freezer and use them sparingly, so I still have some when there is little time left for their season to start and I can enjoy fresh ones. Needless to say, I still have some saved up.

* 2 eggs
* A handful of thawed mushrooms
* Half an onion
* 1 potato
* Salt'n'pepper
* 1 tablespoon of olive oil

And as simple as that - fry potatoes with a bit of olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Once potatoes are cooked through, add mushrooms and onion. Whisk the eggs, pour over, cover the pan and let it cook until the eggs are just done. 

If the omlette is covered and on lower heat, you won't need to flip it and it will cook through perfectly.

Another tip - if adding salt to eggs, sprinkle it towards the end of cooking eggs - that perfect yellow will be maintained and the eggs will be fluffier (or so says Gordon Ramsey :)).

Bon appétit!