
21 April 2015

Pearl couscous with shrimp, fresh tomatoes and chives

"Couscous - the food so nice they named it twice!"

Today I am celebrating a little birthday! 4 years ago today I wrote my first blogpost. That was for the sake of sharing a recipe with some friends. That's when my little journey began and it got more and more intense along the way. Today I decided to treat myself to a dessert - something bright and colorful on the plate. Usually a birthday would call for a dessert. To me - seafood is the best dessert ever. I could have it for a starter, main course and dessert all at once.

I am so happy this little special occasion to celebrate happened on a Tuesday - a day when fresh fish arrives in store. The picture is missing a birthday candle, but I promise I will blow one in my mind.

There was a time when I was intimidated by all the seafood goodies, thinking they do require special treatment. But they don't! There's nothing simpler than preparing most seafood and shrimp definitely falls under that category. While preparing this dish, most time consumed was cleaning the shrimp. Everything else happened super fast.

* 1/2 cup pearl couscous
* 200 g fresh shrimp
* 8 - 10 cherry tomatoes
* 1/2 fresh chilly
* Fresh chives
* 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
* A pinch of salt

Cook couscous per suggestion on the package, in a generous amount of salted water. Once cooked (usually 10-11 minutes for pearl couscous), drain. I also like to rinse it with cold water - doesn't stick together while the rest of the dish is being prepared. Set aside.

In the meantime while couscous is boiling, clean the shrimp. Heat the pan with a bit of olive oil, add chopped garlic and sliced chilly. Don't let the garlic brown - it gets bitter. Add shrimp and sauté until just cooked - pink throughout. Add drained couscous pearls, sauté a few more minutes and remove from heat.

Toss everything with chopped chives (save some for garnish) and tomatoes. And this is it! Took me 20 minutes - including shrimp cleaning. For spicier version, add more chilly.

Bon appétit!